Our comprehensive e-Store system offers the following integrated services: shopping cart software, hosting, store creation and maintenance, payment processing, inventory management, professional warehousing to store your products, as well as the pick-pack-shipping of orders, customer service, e-commerce consultation.
Tuxcedo makes it easy to sell your services online. It takes only minutes to open a store and start selling your goods to customers around the world.
Benefits: The staff at Tuxcedo Technology is expert at creating new (or redesigning existing) e-Stores. Benefits of having an Tuxcedo e-Store system include, but are not limited to:
No need to store merchandise in your office or rented storage space
Your employees' valuable time is not spent stuffing packages, allowing them to focus on your important mission
Call Center (365-day, 24-hour) to handle your customers' telephone orders and questions
Customer service representatives to reply to e-mails
You get our many years of experience, eliminating the need to "re-invent the wheel" or spend time learning a new business function.
Your Customers become "walking advertisements," wearing way to support your organization
More online fundraising options become available to you including Giving Catalogs and Adoption Kits
To insure your organization's success, we provide extensive customer service and e-commerce consultation.
During the set-up of your e-Store, Tuxcedo experts will walk through each step and share industry best practices with you. On a continuing basis, we provide advice and guidance to increase sales, for example, "kitting" multiple individual products into package deals and special offerings using discounts/coupons. Our software makes these ideas – and more – easy to implement!